Why industrial boiler pipes are seamless steel pipes

The pipes for industrial boilers are mainly seamless steel pipes because the performance indicators of seamless steel pipes can fully meet the requirements of boiler applications. Although the cost is high, their safety and reliability are high. Welded steel pipes are generally used within 2Mpa as a low-pressure fluid transmission pipeline. High-temperature and high-pressure equipment such as industrial boilers must use seamless steel pipes, and the thickness of the pipe wall is correspondingly thickened.

Now there are also welded steel pipes used in medium and low-pressure boilers, thanks to the rapid improvement of welding technology. For example, the microstructure of the joints of the butt friction welded steel pipe is no different, and after the clump seam of the pipe is remelted through the butt joint and fillet joint, it is difficult to observe the clump seam traces with the naked eye, and the microstructure of its parts has been the same as the clump.

Post time: Sep-09-2022