What are the quality requirements for steel pipeline pickling

(1) After pickling, the rust and oil on the inner wall of the steel pipe are completely removed, and the cleanliness should meet the requirements of relevant standards.

(2) Pickling parts shall not be over-pickled. If the steel pipe is soaked in the pickling solution for too long, the surface of the steel will become rough and form a honeycomb pitted surface.

(3) Pickling parts shall not be under-pickled. If the soaking time of the steel pipe in the pickling solution is too short or the concentration of the pickling solution is not enough, the steel will still have thin rust or iron oxide scale after pickling.

(4) Ensure that the threads and acid-proof seals are not corroded. Before pickling, yellow oil should be applied to the threads, and acid-proof seals should be temporarily replaced by acid-proof seals.

Post time: Aug-19-2022