Technical requirements for steel bending pipe and analysis of factors affecting elbow quality

Steel bending pipes are produced step by step and then made into finished products. During the entire production process, there are requirements that the pipes must be bent. In addition, the bending of the pipes requires certain techniques, and the degree of bending is also different. So What are the technical requirements used in the entire production process?

1. The online heat treatment of the weld of the closed section can offset the welding stress of the steel elbow, improve the weld structure, and anneal or normalize the entire cold-formed steel to offset the stress. The mechanical properties of the cold-formed steel include strength and tensile strength. Strength and elongation at break.
2. There shall be no air bubbles, cracks, scars, folds, inclusions, or delaminations on the surface of steel elbows, and slight pits, bumps, indentations, hairlines, scratches, and indentations not greater than 10% of the nominal thickness are allowed. After entering the iron scale, surface defects should be cleaned by grinding, but the thickness of the cold-formed steel after cleaning shall not be less than the allowable thickness.

Therefore, the above technology is used in the production of steel bending pipe. With the increase in bending requirements and pipeline requirements, the technology used in pipelines will become more and more advanced. During the bending process, the burrs on the pipelines should be cleaned in time, and the steel bending pipes’ Quality is an aspect that many people pay attention to. Quality determines the later processing and construction, so in the production process, quality is really important. So what are the factors that affect the quality of steel bending pipes?

1. The accuracy of the bent tire is a factor that affects the quality of the steel bent pipe. In the manufacturing process of the bent tire, in addition to the restrictions on specifications and sizes, the bending process also requires the user to select the corresponding bent tire according to the diameter of the steel bent pipe.
2. It is a reference for users to choose the relationship between pipe diameter and wall thickness. According to the pipe processing acceptance standard, it reflects the influence of relative bending radius and relative wall thickness on pipe quality. In pure bending, under the action of external force, the outer arm wall of the neutral layer The tube becomes thinner under tensile stress and thickens under compressive stress on the inside. The combined force causes the cross-section of the tube to change.
3. The bending function and appearance of corrosion of the pipe itself will also affect the quality of the steel bending pipe. Observe the processing function and surface corrosion.

The quality of steel bending pipes is easily affected by the above factors, especially during the production process. Pay attention when producing and bending the pipes. After all, many factors may affect the quality of the pipes.

Post time: Sep-04-2023