Installation requirements for threaded insulating joints for oil casings

1. The insulation joint is installed within 50 meters to avoid the dead end to be welded.

2. After the insulating joint is connected to the pipeline, it is not allowed to lift the pipeline within 5 meters of the joint. Must be pressure tested with the line.

3. After the insulating joint is connected to the pipeline, the surface temperature of the insulating joint shall not be higher than 120 ℃ during the repairing and anti-corrosion operations as required.

4. When installing the insulating joint, it should be installed on the two ends of the joint on the straight pipe section 20 meters away from the elbow and set up with brackets. When buried installation should avoid installation in perennial water.

5. The center wheelbase of the joint should be installed on the same line as the center wheelbase of the pipe, and the two center wheelbases should not be greater than 0.2mm during installation.

6 When the displacement of the pipeline is greater than or equal to the compensation amount of the insulating joint, the number of joints should be increased to parallel the displacement. It is strictly forbidden to make the joint of the insulating joint be in the state of extreme disturbance displacement and deviation to adjust the out-of-tolerance of the pipeline, let alone exceed the limit ( telescopic, displacement, deflection, etc.).

7 When the insulating joint is at a high level or suspended in the air, the pipeline should be fixed on the hanger, bracket, or anchor frame, and the insulating joint should not be allowed to bear the weight and axial force of the pipeline itself, otherwise the joint should be equipped with an anti-pull-off device (its bearing capacity). must be greater than the pipe axial force).

Post time: Sep-05-2022