API 5CT oil casing pipe hydrostatic pressure test

The hydrostatic pressure test is a crucial step in the manufacturing and production process of steel pipes. Its purpose is to find out how resistant the steel pipe is to leaks under typical test pressure and pressure stabilization time. It is a crucial method of examining the general quality of steel pipes, much like radiography, ultrasonic, and other flaw detection techniques.

A test wherein the oil casing is filled with water and put under pressure to see how long it can withstand without rupturing or leaking is a common way to describe it. Three steps make up its operation: water control, pressure testing, and flushing.

API 5CT oil casing pipe hydrostatic pressure test:

1) The position’s primary technical operating points

1. Parameter setting: Assign the test pressure value, pressure stabilization duration, and other parameters based on the oil casing pipe’s specifications, steel grade, and thread type;

2. Give every pipe a thorough hydrostatic test. The process card’s regulations must be followed for both the minimum and actual pressure stabilization time (the pressure stabilization time may occasionally be modified based on the quality of the raw materials);

3. Verify that every seal is intact and that there is never any leakage while doing the pressure test procedure;

4. Standard hydraulic test pressure is the pipe’s test pressure control range.

5. Carefully fill out the hydrostatic pressure test record.


2) Position operation precautions

1. The technical department must be informed in advance so that appropriate process modifications can be made if the actual hydrostatic test pressure falls short of the standard pressure for equipment-related reasons.

2. In the event that the pressure test results in an inadequate pressure stabilization effect, inspect the pipelines and seals for leaks and make the required repairs.

3. After the pressure test, be sure to inspect the pipe body for any damage.


3) The pertinent API-5CT standard provisions regarding the hydrostatic pressure test

1. The hydrostatic test pressure value of the oil casing with couplings and threads is the maximum hydrostatic test pressure of the coupling, the internal pressure leakage resistance, and the lowest hydrostatic test pressure of the flat-end pipe; however, the standard maximum pressure is 69MPa. It is customary to round the computed pressure value to the closest 0.5MPa.
2. Calibration of hydrostatic test pressure measuring devices must occur within 4 months prior to each use, per API requirements.
3. Higher hydraulic test pressures can be chosen if clients have specific needs.

4. The basis for rejection is leakage from the hydrostatic pressure test.

5. Hydrostatic testing is not necessary for coupling blanks, coupling materials, nearby materials, or Q125 steel grade pup joints, unless otherwise agreed upon by the buyer and the manufacturer.


Post time: Oct-07-2023